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Grace City Council Report

Dec 31, 2024 10:33AM ● By Anna Pro

This report is adapted from the official minutes recorded by City Clerk Shelley Reeves.

The City Council of Grace met for a regular meeting on December 4.  There was no major topic under discussion during the meeting, with the topline item probably being an expected positive result of the city’s audit.

In attendance were Council members Curtis Toone,  Kyle Bingham, Kathy Tillotson, and Kimi Lowe, as well as clerk Shelley Reeves, Superintendent Riley Crookston, Fire Chief Curtis Peck, Clint Anderson and Kim Andersen, and Kurt Folke via phone connection.

Minutes from the November 20 meeting, as well as bills in the amount of $428,265.75 and payroll of $11,772.78 were approved.  Minutes for City Council meetings are posted on the Grace City website, and can be accessed by any citizen at

Fire Chief Peck

Chief Curtis Peck reported that Santa visiting the fire station went well.  He noted that there were almost 150 kids who visited during the event.  Bayer donated new equipment to the fire department.  Peck thanked them for their donation.  The fire department will be judging the Christmas lighting contest, and will be caroling on the 23rd.


The City council contact Kurt Folke with Quest CPAs via phone for a report on the mandatory audit of the city.  He stated that the audit went well and thanked Clerk Reeves for her help in getting all the information to them and answering all the questions they asked.  He explained the key elements of the audit, explaining that the city is in good shape with about a  two year reserve in the general fund.  

Council and Department  Reports

Councilmember Tillotson moved to close the office at noon on Christmas eve, which was approved.  Additionally, it was moved to cancel the meeting scheduled to be held on January 1, due to the New Year’s holiday.  

Superintendent Crookston reported that the employees are staying busy in the shop while waiting for the snow to fall.  

Mayor Barthlome reported that there was a sewer backup on Thanksgiving Day and the employees flushed the line and found some tree roots, but the blockage was on the citizen’s side of the line.  The county commissioners informed her that they would be removing the curb and gutter on Center street while they are constructing the new county event center on the fairgrounds.  

The event center construction will begin in full next year when the weather breaks, and is currently expected to be ready by the time of the 2025 county fair.  The building will house the county’s Agricultural Extension Office, as well as other county services.  It is also planned to be a rentable space for events, parties, and the like.  There are buildings in Caribou county that can be used for large events, but the event center is planned as a central location for any number of potential uses by residents of Caribou county.

It was reported that Shane Hamilton had passed his test.

The mayor thanked the city employees for getting the Christmas lights up and thanked Clerk Reeves for her work on the audit.

Clint Andersen reported that he had a water leak last month, but he has since gotten it fixed.  He asked whether the city might forgive the extra usage.  Since it was not an action item on the agenda, it will be discussed and decided at the next meeting.  

The meeting was adjourned.

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