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Bancroft City Council had a busy November

The Bancroft City Council met for a regular meeting on November 18 to deal with a number of issues.  Allocating gr ats funds received, updating the Impact Zone, prepping for the holiday, and a tetrahedron at the airport were all matters for discussion.  

This report is adapted from the official minutes recorded by City Clerk Debbie Swensen

Eric Hobson-Caribou County Emergency System

County emergency preparedness director Eric Hobson explained that the county hired Mike Clements to help get the county All-Hazard Mitigation Plan back up to date. The county is required to update the plan every five years. Mike explained to the council that the hazard mitigation plan is designed to protect public safety, prevent loss of life and injury, reduce harm to existing and future development, and reduce damage to the community’s unique economic environmental assets, minimizing down time after disasters. The plan is intended to reduce exposure to risk for first responders and reduce the cost of response and recovery. The mitigation plan will help all the communities become eligible for funding from the state and federal government. 

Clements explained that some of the grants require a match, but each one is different. The county will put together a plan but will expect community participation. He asked the city to make a list of local projects and put together a plan. Celements urged the council, staff, and friends to take the online survey in order to enhance the chances of getting mitigation funding. He gave the council several examples of projects that would qualify for the grants and how to list them for maximized funding. There are two funding sources that are providing the grants. 

One of the sources is the Idaho Office of Emergency Management and the other is FEMA. These organizations offer grants and emergency funding for disasters and other situations. Clements stressed the importance of getting a functioning plan ready. He told council that there have been situations where an entity or organization is awarded funding but does not have a plan in place. In this event, the State or FEMA will go down the list and award the money to the next applicant in line. Clements asked about the flooding in Bancroft and where the water flows. Councilmember Hatch explained the elevation is the root of the flooding issues and the city has suffered extensive flooding over the years. Councilmember Hatch explained that the city has been taking measures to reduce the flooding, but there are still areas that need addressed. Clements informed the council that certain road projects may help with flooding and could qualify the city for the funding. The money is offered in rounds so if the city doesn’t receive funding in the first round, they may be eligible for the second round. Clements will send out a form with questions. The city will also need to sign an agreement eventually. Councilmember Hatch explained that one of the most important items the city needs to address is the sewer pond lining. The ponds are not holding water and did not meet DEQ testing standards. Mike asked the council to get estimates on the sewer lining project. Mike will send a simple form with some questions that will need to be answered.

Forsgren Associates

Engineer Aaron Swenson asked if the council had decided what they want to use the $100,000 grant money for. Aaron informed council that LHTAC has extended the deadline as far as they can and the money will need to be spent by the end of summer. Swenson reviewed the three projects council had previously listed for the funding. Mayor Spencer stated that due to not getting enough funding for a street rehabilitation project, the council has decided to use the money to address the flooding at the end of Canal street. Swenson suggested that when the council fills out the online survey for SICOG they list the streets that need rehabilitation. He explained that the state of Idaho will get a total of one million dollars and then that money will be divided up between all the applicants, totaling a maximum of approximately $50,000 to $100,000 per applicant. Swenson informed council that costs for street rehab have come down, but it would still cost more than the maximum grant received. The city will need to be ready to cover the additional costs. The three types of grants out there include Rural Development, Block Grants, and DEQ.

The hurdle with the block grant and Rural Development is that the city has to qualify and fall into the low to moderate income as defined by the Census. The city is currently at 49 percent based on the recent Census, and will need to come in at 50% or greater.  Swenson is concerned that there is not a grant will come anywhere close to re-doing the sewer lining. The city will end up having to take out a bond loan like they did for the new water system. The other part of the problem is going to be that the sewer rates are too low and will need to be substantially increased to show that the city is doing everything they can to prepare for the sewer rehabilitation costs as stated that in the sewer study.  Swenson stated that rural development grant money is competitive. Rural Development and block grants are the better options. Swenson and the Mayor will go over more details in preparation for the decision.

George Hulse/Bancroft Airport

Hulse informed council that he got a lot of great information at the meeting with the Department of Aviation this last week. He would like to go forward with getting a tetrahedron built for the Bancroft airport this winter. He would also like to get ready to tear down the 3 big hangers and spray the weeds in the spring. Hulse updated council on increasing airport usage. He received a call from a citizen out of Utah wanting to land at the Bancroft airport so he could go hunting in Chesterfield. The following week, he brought a few friends back in three different planes. Hulse went to the airport after hearing a plane fly over pretty low. There was a plane at the airport but it was a different gentleman that was from Alpine and had just stopped in for a cup of coffee on his way to Pocatello.  Hulse informed council that the airport is getting more traffic and will need to get additional tiedowns.

He asked whether the city has plans of getting a mower for the airport. Mayor Spencer suggested checking with the local citizen who previously let the city use his commercial machine and see if he would want to sell it to the city. Mayor Spencer stated that the city will be blading and doing more cleanup at the airport. City council members asked Hulse to put together a list of materials needed to build a tetrahedron.

City Code Violations

Councilmembers Eiman and Hatch were approached by the resident who recently applied for a permit asking for special conditions. The permit was approved under the condition that the resident follow the code regarding height and other setback restrictions. The resident heard through word of mouth that the city was going to take further action and is upset. The resident expressed to Eiman and Hatch that they want to work with the city and do not want to have any problems. The resident explained that they are upset due to the city not addressing the complaints regarding all the animals that are in city code violation. The resident stated to the councilman that she was trying to avoid conflicts with the neighbor and prevent problems in the future. The resident has written a letter to the city explaining why they did what they did and are hoping for some understanding. The resident expressed that they understand it is late, but would like to request a variance. The letter was written with the intention of reducing friction between neighbors. Councilmember Eiman explained to the council that after talking more with the resident he is concerned that this could be a cascading effect due to the non-enforcement of city codes.

Councilmember Eric Christensen stated that part of the challenge here is that in the past building permits were brushed off and quickly signed off. Now council is paying more attention to the details.  Christensen stated that it is difficult to address and enforce codes when you know people personally. Councilmember Vawser stated that the resident knowingly violated the city code after being told by the Mayor, in person, that they were not approved to construct the structure at the requested heights but were approved to go forward if they follow the city code regarding heights, set-backs, etc. Councilmember Vawser informed CM Eiman that she went through all the formal complaints and there is not one complaint from that resident regarding their neighbors’ animals. CM Eiman and CP Hatch stated that the resident mentioned that they haven’t made a formal complaint due to wanting to keep things cordial with their neighbor. CM Vawser stated that if safety services were called out to this residence, they would not be able to see what is on the other side of the fence before entering the yard and house. It is a safety issue stated Vawser.  CM Eiman will inform the resident of the legal variance process.

Liquor License Renewal

The Bar/Kelly Christensen

Motion passed 4-0.


Motion passed 4-0.

Cold Mix

Mayor Spencer explained that the city has been using the county’s cold mix and needs to replace it.  CM Eric Christensen made a motion cover the expense for the city to replace the county’s cold mix.  Motion passed 4-0.

Warranty on Mowers

CM Eric Christensen contacted the lawn mower vendors regarding the mower warranties. Both lawn mowers offer similar warranties. The warranty covers parts that come with factory defects.  Christensen stated that there is a $500 difference for the mower with a mulching system. After discussing the different mower options council decided on the mower with the bagger.  A motion to purchase passed 4-0.

Impact Areas

CM Vawser reviewed the map of city impact zones due to a resident lining up their non-running vehicles after being asked to remove them. CM Vawser stated that if the vehicles are in the city’s impact zone, the city would still have authority over the removal. Resident James Ackerman suggested talking to the county commissioners about the situation and enforcement.

CM Vawser asked if the truck route signs have shipped. The signs have come in and are in the city shop. Mayor Spencer asked maintenance to put the signs up according to the designated truck route study performed by the committee and the engineers.

CP Hatch stated that the city of Grace and Soda Springs have changed their impact zoning to allow five-acre parcels of land to be divided and sold. The zoning can be changed to either high or low residential.  High residential is five acres. Low residential is 10-20 acres. CP Hatch stated that it does affect taxes but not sure how much of an impact it would have.

Kennel License Applications

Council discussed the kennel license application requirements. The applications used to be renewed each year, but due to several elderly ladies expressing hardship concerns, the city changed the requirement to every three years. Some residents are on different renewal schedules due to acquiring new dogs at different times. Council asked clerk Swensen to look at the applications and see how many are on a different renewal schedule.

Council Reports

CM Vawser would like to see follow up with code enforcement after the next violation letters go out. The attorney sent an email to the city asking if all council members are on board when dealing with the next round of violation letters.  CM Vawser is concerned after reviewing the formal complaint folder. Some of the complaints are not signed off on or filled out by code enforcement. Mayor Spencer will address the complaints more thoroughly going forward.

Clerk Swensen gave council members the information regarding an inspector from Franklin County that is willing to do building inspections for the city.

CM Vawser asked council about starting a new December community activity. She gave each council member some information explaining a fun game that Soda Springs does. They hide presents around town for citizens to find. The items and cash would be all donated. She could put the details on the city Facebook page if council decides to try the event.

CM Vawser would like to do water shut offs this week. Mayor Spencer suggested waiting until Monday so water is not off during the weekend.

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