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City and County Info


Mayor LuCus H. Spencer

Debbie Swensen, City Clerk

City Council:

Rick Hatch, Council President

Eric Christensen

Walt (Nate) Eiman

Jessica Vawser


Fire Department, Taylor Askew

Parks, Rick Hatch

Planning & Zoning, Eric Christensen  

Planning & Z, Rick Hatch  435-881-4502

Sewer, Eric Christensen

Streets, Utilities, Dogs: All Council

Lighting of Teuscher Square, Clerk Swensen


Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00-4:00 p.m. 

Closed 12:30-1:00 p.m.

95 S. Main (Physical Address)

P.O. Box 39 (Mailing Address)

Bancroft, ID 83217

Phone: (208) 648-7648



Mayor Jackie Barthlome

City Council:

Kathy Tillotson

Larry Allen

Kyle Bingham

Curtis Toone

Clerk Shelley Reeves

Deputy clerk LoyRaye Phillips


Riley Crookston, City Superintendent

Jake Wright, Waste Water Operations

Shane Hamilton

Matt Loertscher

City Office:

Telephone:(208) 425-3533

Telephone:(208) 425-9038

FAX:(208) 425-9028

E-mail: [email protected]



Mayor Austin Robinson

City Council:

Mitch Hart, Council President

Ryan Carpenter

Paul Gritton

Rod Worthington


Andrea Haderlie, Clerk (208) 547-2600 ext.102

Celeste Billman, Utility Billing ext. 101

Chelsey Davids, Permits, PZ, City Attny office ext. 111

Justin Hansen, Public Works

Nikki Hansen, Recreation ext. 103

Shalynn Hennefer, Payroll ext. 100

Jennie Rasmussen, Animal Control (208) 547-7100

CeJay Golightly, SS Police (208) 547-3213

Alan Skinner, City Engineer/Building Inspector, ext. 107

Dan Squires, Public Works/Waste Water/Fire Chief 

City Office:

Hours: M-F 8 AM to 5 PM

Mailing Address:

9 West 2nd South

Soda Springs, ID 83276

Telephone: (208) 547-2600

FAX: (208) 547-260


159 South Main Street

Soda Springs, ID 83276

(208) 547-4324


Mark Mathews, Chairman

[email protected]

Bryce Somsen 

[email protected]

Marty McCullough

[email protected]

Clerk’s Office:

9 AM to 5 PM M-F

Main office 159 S Main Room 202

Telephone: (208) 547-4324 ext. 4

FAX: (208) 547-4759

Jill Stoor, County Clerk/Auditor/Recorder ext. 815 

[email protected]

Phone Numbers:

Emergency: Dial 911

Non-Emergency Line: (208) 547-2561

Public Safety, EMS, & Fire: (208) 547-2583

County Attorney: (208) 547-1930

Magistrate Court: (208) 547-4342

Probation: (208) 547-2591

Jury: (208) 547-4219

Tax Collection & Treasury: (208) 547-3726

Assessor’s Office: (208) 547-4749

Dept. of Motor Vehicles: (208) 547-3733

Planning & Zoning: (208) 547-1780  

GIS: (208) 547-2164

Building Inspector: (208) 840-9910

Road & Bridge: (208) 547-7940

Weed Control: (208) 251-6425

Extension Office (Uni. of Idaho & 4H): (208) 547-3205

9:00am - 5:00pm, Mon-Fri, Except Holidays

Dispatch: (208) 547-2561

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