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From the Editor's Desk

Oct 16, 2024 11:23AM ● By Brandon Hall

It’s been a while since I checked in with you directly, but it’s been a busy time for everyone over the last few months—construction, Fair season, school returning to session, and a seemingly endless series of events have kept every week pretty packed.

Between Jody Reeves and myself, as well as contributions from many members of the community, we’ve managed to keep on top of a lot of the things happening in and around the county, but we could always improve both our reach and depth.  And that’s what brings me to the page once again…

We ran a posting looking for writers for a couple of weeks, and that led to some questions from a few people who were interested but needed more information.  I thought I’d lay out exactly what kinds of writing we’re looking for, and what that would look like for those interested.

Because Caribou County has three main locations—Soda, Grace, and Bancroft—as well as a number of other areas including Chesterfield, Henry, Grays Lake, Wayan, Niter, Thatcher, and others, there are often events and ongoing issues that we don’t become aware of until after the fact.  I would love to hear from “correspondents” in any of those areas (with the acknowledgement that Allyne Bettancourt in Chesterfield has been posting from there already), as well as many others.  I would be looking for essentially a once a month update on events in the area, as well as any feature stories that might highlight individuals or events that take place there.  Our contributor rates are by the story, and I’ll be happy to discuss them with anyone interested at [email protected] or [email protected].

Another type of writer that I would like to contact is anyone interested in covering a particular beat on a per-story basis.  The main needs I have at the moment are: School Board and Education, Planning and Zoning, Religion and Faith communities, and Outdoor Recreation/Sports.  If any of those are things you’d be interested in covering and supplying occasional stories on (again, at about a once a month frequency or as needed for specific events), contact me for details.

The last type of contract writing we could use is submitted feature/focus stories on individuals, groups, or events of local interest.  Jody and I try to get everywhere we can, but there are more people and activities than we can reasonably cover, and many we would never think of.  These types of stories would also be paid on a per-story basis, which hopefully should make the process as easy as possible for anyone interested.  

If any of these sound like stories you’d be interested in writing, contact the main office at 208-766-4773, or email me at the addresses listed above.  

Brandon Hall 

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