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Soda Springs Chamber of Commerce welcomes members as it heads into the second half of 2024

Willow Creek RV Park

2024 has been a year of revitalization for the Chamber of Commerce in Soda Springs.  It had not been especially active over the last few years, until a new group of citizens decided to reinvigorate it, and make it an active part of the community again.  Since February’s kick off of the project, the Chamber has held many planning and organizational meetings, culminating in the election of a board, the establishment of subcommittees, and the new membership enrollment of around fifteen businesses and growing.  The Chamber will be organizing the vendor booths for the Rotary Club 4th of July parade, and have its own float!  The Chamber is always seeking new members, and can be reached by contacting President Debbie Dumont at 208-521-7024 or on the Facebook page of the Soda Springs Chamber of Commerce.  While not pictured below because I had to be at a goat show at the time, the Enterprise is a member of the Chamber and proudly supports its efforts.  Here are some of the members from the Chamber’s first roll call.

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