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Soda Springs City Council 3/6

Adapted from the official minutes recorded by City Clerk Hannah Beer

Citizen Input

Alana Burns addressed the Council about requesting a letter of support for a grant application through the Idaho State Real Estate Association.  The grant is very generous, but funds need to be used to develop the community.  Her original idea was to build shade covering for the city park, but the bid was considerably higher than the grant’s $5,000.  Mrs Burns asked for suggestion from the Council about where the money might be spent if awarded.  The Council recommended she speak with Director Hansen about options.  Laura Lind is also applying for a grant through the Idaho Wish Foundation for the City Park.  Councilmember Gritton suggested the grant money be used to develop the gun range, though Burns suggested that might fall outside the purview of the grant.  Engineer Skinner will write the letter of support.

Preparedness Project—Ron Meyer

Mr. Meyer provided information about an emergency preparedness project he is working on with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Meyer will be creating a series of 5 to 15 minute videos regarding emergency response topics.  He would like to address a variety of different things, from active shooters to gardening.  He hopes to enlist the assistance of law enforcement to teach citizens how to react in emergency situations.  Mayor Robinson stated that he liked the idea.  President Hart gave an example of a power outage years ago in the county where the church phone network was used to inform citizens.


Scott Flippence spoke about the Ender’s building, and his concerns that the city is subsidizing the operation.  Flippence owns the Caribou Lodge and apartments in town and does not want to compete with Ender’s.  Councilmember Ryan Carpenter stated that since Ender’s is a city-owned asset, the arrangement is not a subsidy.  The tenant currently pays $3500/mo in rent, which accounts for utilities plus 30%, and will likely double for the next year. O’Dell Christman stated that he appreciated the city trying to preserve the history of Soda Springs through the building, though he acknowledges it is a heavy weight for the city to carry.  He stated that he approves of the city’s arrangement with Ender’s, and that a tenant helps defray the costs.


Dean Stultzman with Business iPhone Specialists gave a cost analysis to the city for a switch from IDEACOM.  He stated that their phone system would include more features, better support, and a lower cost.  The contract would be a lease-to-own arrangement, and there would be zero costs for start up.  The council agreed to have city staff take a look at the possible contract.

Austin E. Robinson asked the city for a donation to the Distinguished Young Women organization.  All ticket sales and donations go directly to the participants.  Councilmember Gritton asked whether this donation would come from taxes, and Councilmember Hart clarified that it would come from power fees.  A motion to give the Lions Club $550 for DYW was approved.

Unfinished Business

Engineer Skinner informed the council that Maverik has its general contractor on site.  Additionally, the PRV study is still being reviewed and snow plows have been built.  Director Squires clarified that because it is not yet budgeted, the lift station project is on the list.

Engineer Skinner also shared a “disadvantaged community map.”  He has met with the Forest Service and Hispanic Foundation and was told these organizations will not release funds for projects located outside that zone.  A half million dollars are available to the city, if it can be used in the approved areas.

The City received a draft agreement from Nutrien for the transfer of land from Nutrien to the City.  Nutrien will assist over the next three years with the maintenance of the property and provide endowment money for upkeep.  The deal will potentially close by the end of March.  The contract is for 600 acres, with 200 of them under a conservation easement.

Attorney Haney received a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding with the SS School District and said it looks similar to the 2022 contract.  Attorney Haney suggested that Chief Shaw, Attorney Doug Wood, and Sheriff Mabey work together to clarify some elements of the contract before it is signed.

Attorney Haney stated that junk notices will be mailed to community members to encourage spring cleaning.  Letters will be sent asking residents and commercial businesses to clean their property.

Mr. Skinner is working on getting the City’s old transformer shipped to South Dakota.  The company is ready, but waiting for a break in the weather.

Mr. Skinner informed the council about an applicated he submitted for water rights to the Soda Creek area.  Ideally, the City will set up pumps behind the county shop to provide water to the cemetery.  Previously, Nutrien did not apply for all water rights in the area, so once the change of ownership is complete, the city will apply for the remaining water rights.

Councilmember Hart discussed water conservation.  He mentioned that he would like to develop a communication plan to encourage the community to be more diligent about water usage.

Councilmember Worthington raised the issue of potentially undertaking a survey about public opinions about the future of the Ender’s building.  The council discussed the feasibility and possibility of such a survey, and the importance of keeping the public aware of issues related to the city property.  The discussion was ultimately tabled for re-examination during a later meeting.

Service missionaries with the LDS church reached out to the city looking for volunteer options.  Councilmember Hart will look into the options.

Councilmember Gritton informed the council that Bayer was seeking to donate office furniture to the city for use at city hall.  A motion to accept the donation passed.

The Council then entered executive session.

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