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Week #9 Legislative Update - Rep. Josh Wheeler, District 35

I am a sucker for bagpipes. So, the start to this week was a real treat when the Boise Nampa Police Pipes & Drums band started our Idaho Day celebration with a stirring pipes and drum tune. It was great to be reminded of the incredible history of March 4th. It was that day in 1863 when Abraham Lincoln signed the bill that made Idaho a territory. It was a wonderful energy and filled me with renewed resolve to do the good work of the people of Idaho. 

Some excellent bills passed out of the health & welfare committee. HB 633 extends Medicaid postpartum coverage for up to 12 months. It does an excellent job of providing potential savings to state funds, while being a pro family, pro child policy. HB 685 creates a Medicaid budget stabilization fund, which provides wise fiscal policy of creating a rainy-day account that will serve citizens well at the next economic downturn. 

There are a substantial number of bills being considered on the floor no. We are more frequently going onto the floor twice a day, to work through the calendar. I was gratified to see public education budgets pass, depredation programs be improved, and to see more of the bills I have sponsored move to the Senate floor. My international physicians bill should be heard on the floor next week sometime.

Thanks, as always, to those of you back home who reach out with suggestions, concerns, and encouragement. it is an honor to serve you in this capacity. 

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